Railroad Police Patches

I - Z

Insp Gen.jpg


Inspector General Office of Investigation

Special Agent Patch

(Courtesy of Jurgen Mohr)



Kansas City Southern Railway Police Patch

(Courtesy of Cort LaBlank)


570 MP Subdued.jpg

570th Military Police Platoon Shoulder Patch subdued

1st issue

(Courtesy of Jurgen Mohr)




570 MP Pitchfolk.jpg

570th Military Police Platoon Shoulder Patch subdued

1st issue

(Courtesy of Jurgen Mohr)



570 MP Pitchfolf red.jpg

570th Military Police Platoon Shoulder Patch

(Courtesy of Jurgen Mohr)



570 MP Blue.jpg

570th Military Police Platoon Shoulder Patch

(Courtesy of Jurgen Mohr)



570 MP Railway with pitchfolk.jpg

570th Military Police Platoon Shoulder Patch. Worn over the shoulder and called a "braissards"

(Courtesy of Jurgen Mohr)



570 Belt Buckle.jpg

570th Military Police Oberursel, Germany Belt Buckle

(Courtesy of Jurgen Mohr)



570 Freedom.jpg

570th Military Police Freedom Through Mobility symbol

(Courtesy of Jurgen Mohr)



US RR 150.jpg


150th Anniversary

U.S. Railroad Police

(Courtesy of Jurgen Mohr)




The New York State Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Courtesy of the MTA Police Group and William Mele

Morristown & Erie Railway Police 2.jpg

Morristown and Erie Railway Police New Jersey Patch

Courtesy of Jonathan Olsen


New England South.jpg

New England Southern Railroad Police Patch

Courtesy of Andre” LeBreux



Norfolk Southern Railroads Police Patch with Scales of Justice

Courtesy of Andre’ LeBreux


NS W Eagle.jpg

Norfolk Souther Railroad Police Superbia * Intergritas * Opera Patch

Courtesy of Andre’ LeBreux


NS Special Ag.JPG

Norfolk Southern Ry. Police Special Agent Star Patch

Courtesy of Andre’ LeBreux


NS Southern.jpg

Norfolk Southern Railroads Shield Patch

Courtesy of Andre’ LeBreux


NS Security.JPG

Norfolk Southern Security Patch

Courtesy of Andre’ LeBreux



Norfolk Souther Police Department “NSPD” Special Operations Response Team Patch

Courtesy of Andre’ LeBreux


NS Scales of Justice.jpg

Norfolk Southern Railroads Police Patch with Scales of Justice

Courtesy of Andre’ LeBreux


NS Black.jpg

Norfolk Southern Ry Police Special Agent Patch

Courtesy of Andre’ LeBreux


Norfork Sout Patch.jpg

Norfolk Southern Ry Police Special Agent Patch

Courtesy of Andre’ LeBreux


Norfolk Sout Acad.JPG

Norfolk Southern Police Training Academy Patch

Courtesy of Andre’ LeBreux


Norfork Western.JPG

Norfolk Western Police Department Patch

Courtesy of Andre’ LeBreux



Norfolk and Western Ry Police Patch New York

Courtesy of Andre’ LeBreux


Norfork Western Academy.JPG

Norfolk Western Police Department Patch

Courtesy of Andre’ LeBreux


Norfolk Western.jpg

Norfolk and Western Police Department Patch

Courtesy of Andre’ LeBreux


N & W Rail.JPG

Norfolk and Western Railway Police Patch

Courtesy of Andre’ LeBreux


Ontario Half Moon.jpg

Ontario Northland Railway Police Half Moon Patch

(Courtesy of Jurgen Mohr)



Ontario Po Comm.jpg

Ontario Northland Transportation Commission

Ontario Northland Transportation Commission Police Patch

(Courtesy of Jurgen Mohr)


Ontario North Sec Blue.jpg

Ontario Northland Railway Security Services Patch

(Courtesy of Jurgen Mohr)



Ontario Northland Railway Police Services Patch

(Courtesy of Jurgen Mohr)



Ontario Northland Gold.jpg

Ontario Northland Railway Police Services Patch

(Courtesy of Jurgen Mohr)


Penn RR Red.jpg

Pennsylvania Railroad Police Auxilary Police Patch

(Courtesy of Jurgen Mohr)


Santa Fe Patches.JPG

A collection of ATSF and Santa Fe Railroad Police Patches.

Courtesy of Andre’ LeBreux


Termin Chief.jpg

Terminal Railroad of St. Louis Chief's breast patch

(Courtesy of Nathan Branding)



Termin PD.jpg


Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis Badge

(Courtesy of Nathan Branding)


Southern Police.JPG

Old Southern Railroad Police Patches

Courtesy of Sam Bell


SR Police Patches.JPG

Old Southern Railroad Police Patches

Courtesy of Sam Bell


South Railw patches.JPG

Old Southern Railroad Police Patches

Courtesy of Sam Bell



Southern Pacific Police Patch with Star

Courtesy of Andre’ LeBreux


SP Lines.jpg

Southern Pacific Lines Railroad Police Patch with Engine

Courtesy of Andre’ LeBreux


SP Lines Patch.jpg

Southern Pacific Lines Police Patch with tracks

Courtesy of Andre’ LeBreux


SP Engine.jpg

Southern Pacific Police Department Process Through Safety Patch

Courtesy of Andre’ LeBreux


UP K-9 Badge Patch.jpg

Union Pacific Railroad K-9 Badge Patch.

(Courtesy of Jurgen Mohr)


UP K9 Shoulder Patch.jpg

Union Pacific Railroad Police K-9 Shoulder Patch.

(Courtesy of Jurgen Mohr)




UP Badge Patch.jpg

Union Pacific Railroad Police Badge Patch

(Courtesy of Jurgen Mohr)



UP Hat Patch Blue.jpg

Union Pacific Railroad Police Hat Patch

(Courtesy of Jurgen Mohr)



UP Hat Patch black.jpg

Union Pacific Railroad Police Hat Patch

(Courtesy of Jurgen Mohr)



UP Badge Patch 2 stars.jpg

Union Pacific Railroad Police Badge Patch

(Courtesy of Jurgen Mohr)


UP Badge Ptch Gold.jpg

Union Pacific Railroad Police Badge Patch

(Courtesy of Jurgen Mohr)


UP Sec Blue.jpg

Union Pacific Railroad Security Officer Shoulder Patch

(Courtesy of Jurgen Mohr)



UP Sec Brn.jpg

Union Pacific Railroad Security Officer Shoulder Patch

(Courtesy of Jurgen Mohr)



UP Police Blue.jpg

Union Pacific Railroad Police ShoulderPatch

(Courtesy of Jurgen Mohr)



UP Police Subdued.jpg

Union Pacific Railroad Police Subdued Badge Patch

(Courtesy of Jurgen Mohr)



UP Bdge Subdued.jpg

Union Pacific Railroad Police Subdued Badge Patch

(Courtesy of Jurgen Mohr)



UP Canine.jpg

Union Pacific Railroad Police Canine Patch

(Courtesy of Jurgen Mohr)


UP Care.jpg

Union Pacific Police CARE Unit Patch “Crossing Accident Reduction Education”

Courtesy of Andre’ LeBreux
